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Canadian Garage door

2065 TRIUMPH ST Vancouver BC
Vancouver, BC V5L 1K7
(778) 805-4911
Garage Door repair Vancouver
Based on 1 review.

General Information
A garage door Repair Vancouver can go through lots of minor problems as the time goes by and there is just one solution to these problems, and that is regular maintenance. Lots of people just install their garage doors and then forget about these heavy mechanical devices, but this is not the right approach because you have to take care of your garage door regularly. Lots of garage doors become useless just because the owner does not pay attention towards small faults. Some people also think that regular maintenance of garage doors take lots of money, but this is not the case with Vancouver Garage Door Repair.

We just need a call from your, and our team of very experienced technicians will come right at your doorstep. These technicians will analyze the entire installation of your garage door and will rectify all of the issues bothering your door. This sounds a simple job, but our technicians make it look even simpler with very advanced tools. Our technicians are equipped with very latest tools that help them in resolving all kinds of tough problems as well.
Products & Services
Garage door install, Garage Door Replacement, Springs replacement, and repair, remote for Garage door opener, New garage door opener or repair,
    Based on 1 review.
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