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Friends don’t let friends eat lead paint chips and if you don't have any friends in Musidora, AB get lead training certification so that you know exactly how lacing people's food with this stuff is going to affect them for the rest of their unfortunate lives.
Lead Training Teacher In Musidora, AB
Our Musidora, AB lead training and certification will help you decide which paint chips are toxic, and which ones will make you the life of the party.
You've been there, a sweet gig in Musidora, AB. The place is hopping and you get your moment in the sun. All eyes are on you, and you know that this moment could mean the difference between meeting that special someone, and spending the next few months at home playing canasta. You need some quick courage, so you turn to your first love, that seductive, sweet bottle of paint chips. But could that bottle be your last?
With our Musidora, AB lead training, you can learn to distinguish between grade-A, EPA-tested, lead-free paint chips and nasty, brain draining leaded paint. It is your intrinsic right and duty to rock that party, get that special someone, and ride off into the sunset. Get the skills you need – contact our lead testing training experts today.
Musidora, AB Lead Inspection Training
Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in many home products. Lead enters the outdoor environment from motor vehicles and industrial sources. It can enter drinking water from old plumbing materials. Lead can cause a range of negative health effects, from behavioral problems and learning disabilities, to seizures and death. Children six years old and under are the most at risk.
Our Musidora, AB lead training will equip you with the tools to perform lead inspection to ensure proper identification and disposal. Our training programs are EPA and HUD developed, and can instruct renovators, painters, and maintenance personnel on how to work safely in homes with lead-based paint.
Robert Plant would agree that this is an important issue. Originally, the band was to be called “Lead Zeppelin,” but after a near-fatal accident on their earliest tour involving some painted leather pants and a Fender Stratocaster, the band decided it was time for a change. As you might have heard, Robert had a toxic incident involving those pants and guitar, resulting in a near-death experience and an excellent song about a supernatural stairway. The lead content in the pants and guitar were dangerously high, and one of our own lead training graduates helped him to remove the lead, or as they now say, “get the Led out.” True story.
Musidora, AB Lead Abatement Certification
Renovation, remodeling, and painting activities that disturb lead-based paint can produce lead hazards. Our Musidora, AB lead abatement certification will teach you how to contain and minimize lead dust and clean-up work areas in order to protect people from exposure to lead.
When you complete our training, you will be fully EPA certified to perform renovation and abatement of lead containing products and structures, and you will be trained to understand the EPA’s lead bulletin Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools, which must be shared with clients.
In addition, you will learn how to create records to demonstrate that you and your workers have been trained in lead-safe work practices and that you followed lead-safe work practices on the job. Our Musidora, AB training can help you become the best lead professional since Zeppelin.
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News and Information about Lead Training & Certification
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I?ve been?
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