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Browse Business Listings in Encino, California for Bathroom & Kitchen Remodel

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16430 Ventura Blvd Unit 304
Encino, CA 91436

(818) 572-1306
Home Remodeling Encino, Remodeling Contractors Encino
5400 Yarmouth Ave
Encino, CA 91316

(818) 514-4386
5001 Newcastle Ave
Encino, CA 91316

(424) 254-0474
Home Remodeling California specializes in home improvement p
17141 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200
Encino, CA 91316

(888) 684-4644

Is your house is stuck in the '70s and you live in Encino, CA then you are probably do for a bathroom and kitchen remodel before you tackle the rest of the place, as they are the two most important areas in your home to update.

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Contractors in Encino, CA

If you are remodeling your bathroom or kitchen in Encino, CA, you shouldn't do it without a professional. We can connect you to the latest in bathroom and kitchen technologies at an affordable price. Do you want a change in your life? Has there been a leak or other disaster in your house? We can give you a change to make your home classy again.

Our contractors can help you to completely redesign and enlarge your bathroom, and even change your bathtub. We can also help with your shower cabin, bathroom wall design, upgrading bathroom fixtures, installing the latest bathroom gadgets, adding storage and shelves, decorating the bathroom ceiling, changing lighting and more. A normal Encino, CA bathroom and kitchen remodel project can be a breeze with the right help, so get looking for contractors and materials today.

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Experts in Encino, CA

Our Encino, CA bathroom and kitchen remodel experts can help to take your kitchen to the next level by changing your flooring, appliances, cabinetry, lighting, sinks, fixtures, windows, installing the latest gadgets and cooking devices. You know that your friends will congratulate you for years to come after they see the fine work in your kitchen or bathroom.

We will make your house into an oasis: a place that you truly enjoy. You know that TV show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"? We do the same kind of thing, only much, much better. That blond dummy wishes he could do half the work we can. Our mini-makeover will make your house shine and you won't even have to put up with a TV crew.

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